Chaos Laureates

Chaos Laureates, also known but the old band name Strife Darko was/is an alternative rock band with myself, Henry Vinson and Jack Norton. We played a lot of shows, appeared on TV, radio and press and generally had a good time. We never really dreamed much bigger than our desire to write music. We had two albums, those being the self-titled "Strife Darko" and the latter "Kill Gaia" that are both available on Soundcloud, YouTube Music etc etc. We also have three unreleased tracks which I'd like to make music videos for once I have time.

We're still good friends and work on music together, but as a band that's likely over as we've all found other pursuits. I'd describe us more as dormant than broken up as if there was ever a reason for us to perform live again we'd all happily do it.

Written, sung and performed by myself, Jack on drums and rhythm guitar, Henry on lead guitar and recorded and produced by Dan Lucas at The Joplin House.

You can listen to the albums here and the unreleased tracks here.

George Edmund/ Bury Edmund

My solo music is a little more experimental, inspired heavily by bands such as Radiohead, Everything Everything (who are tossers in person), Why?,  BC Camplight and Willy Mason. I'm working on two projects which are too different to really put together into one thing. The first project titled "A Human Experience" is acoustic based singer-songwriter stuff that falls under your more classic emo/folk genre. The second is called "The Dream is Dead. Long Live the Nightmare" which are based on events in my life. All of it is written, performed, mixed and mastered by myself

Two different names based on my real name because I'm ironically lacking in creativity, but they need  to be separated simply due to the fact that they're quite different in style and in experience fans of one aren't typically fans of the other.

My SoundCloud is currently down as I consolidate them and I don't want to be paying out the bum for a subscription while I tinker about. I'll update this with links when it's there.

Soundtrack Stuff

I make all the music for my games, albeit none of them released with said tracks yet. I'll put some things here soon but I have no idea under what moniker it would fit. I'll probably just make a new one instead that's a little more professional, but I intend on releasing everything here for free download anyway.

I mostly produce in Ableton with a myriad of VST and plug-ins, my personal favorite being Spitfire Labs which has just an endless supply of really cool and weird instruments from the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra. If anyone needs a track or two done just let me know, chances are I'll do it for free just for the love of music.

Yell at me - []